ストール専門店 インドリーム ブログ 【インドリーム】はインドの高級ストールを扱う、本物を愛する大人の為のストール専門店です。東京表参道駅より徒歩3分、青山通り沿いにあります。ペイズリー柄ストール・手刺繍ストール・パシュミナ製品、パシュマの在庫は日本有数。YouTube「インドリームチャンネル」やインスタグラムでストールの巻き方などの情報も随時発信中。

Fateful Meeting at Global Summit of Women Made Our Dreams Come True!

Global Summit of Women 2017, Tokyo


Global Summit of Women 2017 will be held in Tokyo, Japan, on May 11-13.

It’s called “Women’s Davos,” and over 1000 women leaders in business and government and NPO from over 90 countries will participate in this big conference.

The theme of this year is ”Beyond Womenomics: Accelerating Access.”


As the Summit President, Ms. Irene Natividad, said, one of the most fantastic characteristics is “this Summit is open to everyone.” No qualifications.

Therefore, I was able to join the Summit, find a wonderful business partner and start an Indian shawl business with her.
Her name is Ms. Farah Khan from India, and she is now more than a sister to me.


Global Summit of Women and InDream

InDream was born after the Global Summit of Women in Korea 2004. Fateful encounter was experienced there and our dream trip started.


I met Ms. Farah Khan from India at GSW in 2004, and we clicked with each other. At that time, I was working for a bridge consulting company between India and Japan. So, I was interested in Indian shawls beforehand. But I had never met the right person from the shawl business.

But fortunately, I encountered Farah and decided immediately to start a business with her.



Since then we have been to 12 GSWs for us (I missed only 2 Summits in 14 years).

I named my company “InDream.”
InDream means two things:

First: India +our dream  Second: in dream

InDream shows our happiness and beautiful relationships.




WEXPO (Women’s EXPO)


The Global Summit of Women promoted the business matches between women’s companies. GSW has a space for WEXPO(Women’s EXPO).

In Tokyo, there will be many company booths settled, and very energetic women will gather looking for new seeds of business.



We were introduced as one of the successful business models from GSW in 2005, Mexico.

I had a chance to make a short impromptu speech in front of 900 people.

It was a memorable experience in my life, and I felt as if I were in my dream.





Farah and I have gpne to the GSW every year andwe have stayed in the same room. We always have a great time for over 10 days. We have become very good friends and reliable business partners. 
Now GSW is one of became our precious holidays each year.




We were included in the Global Summit of Women 25th Anniversary Video.



This result is like a dream for me as I have been only a house-working wife for 15 years.

With Summit President, Irene and Farah 



GSW and GSW Friends

As the GSW treats all participants as equals, this encouraged me very much.



Once African minister sat together with me at breakfast. She was very friendly and talked to me about her family.

Regarding family matters, we had common problems although our lives were extremely different from each other.



Now I have many GSW friends and enjoy a meeting every year in a different country!

How happy I am! The GSW changed my life dramatically.


ストール専門店 インドリーム ブログ 【インドリーム】はインドの高級ストールを扱う、本物を愛する大人の為のストール専門店です。東京表参道駅より徒歩3分、青山通り沿いにあります。ペイズリー柄ストール・手刺繍ストール・パシュミナ製品、パシュマの在庫は日本有数。YouTube「インドリームチャンネル」やインスタグラムでストールの巻き方などの情報も随時発信中。

東京都港区南青山3-12-12 南青山312ビル301


月~金 11:00~18:00 
土日祝 13:00~18:00
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